At AccSoc, we aspire to bridge the gap between students and the professional world.

We provide students with information, platforms, skills and advice that are necessary to succeed in the job market and to ultimately achieve their career goals and objectives. Our events and opportunities transcends degrees and industries, instilled by our objective to:

“Connect. Inform. Develop”.

Upcoming Events

The UNSW Accounting Society will be having our Annual General Meeting 2024 to vote in our Executive Team 2025. At this meeting we will receive the 2024 President's and Secretary’s reports, confirm our Club's constitution and hold elections for our new Executive team for the next 12 months. We will also be voting on an several amendments required to remain affiliated with Arc@UNSW. Please refer to the revised constitution for the role descriptions, additional and amended clauses, and the Annual General Meeting procedure.

Law Theatre G23 | Wednesday 25th September 2024 | 6:00pm.

Annual General Meeting 2024

Can’t make it? See our past events here!

We Account for You

Established in 2011, AccSoc has created a platform to connect, inform and develop students to further their professional and personal growth outside the classroom. We equip students with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in university and to achieve their ultimate career goals.

Whilst our events focus on accounting and taxation, we maintain a diversified membership base, providing opportunities that benefit every student at UNSW regardless of subject area and degree.

We hold numerous events and opportunities for students throughout the year, including mock recruitment, information sessions on a variety of industries, networking events and revision workshops which aim to foster essential technical skills.

We are confident that with the support of our members, affiliates and sponsors, our journey will be one of success.

Our Sponsors

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